Virtual Reality Terms Glossary: Virtual Reality Terms in 2024



360-Degree Photo

A 360-degree photo is a photograph that captures a scene in a full 360-degree view, allowing viewers to explore the surroundings by changing their viewing perspective.

360-Degree Video

360-degree video is a video recording that captures a scene in a full 360-degree view, allowing viewers to explore the surroundings by changing their viewing perspective.



Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images or videos, onto the real world.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) combines virtual elements with the real world, overlaying computer-generated visuals onto the user's view of the physical environment.

Augmented Sound

Augmented sound is a technology that enhances or adds virtual audio elements to real-world environments.

Augmented Virtuality (Av)

Augmented Virtuality (AV) is a concept in which virtual reality or computer-generated elements are incorporated into real-world environments.


An avatar is a digital representation of a user in a virtual reality or augmented reality environment.



Cybersickness is a type of motion sickness induced by virtual reality or other immersive technologies, resulting in discomfort or nausea.


Eye Tracking

Eye tracking technology in VR monitors the movement and position of the user's eyes, allowing for more realistic and interactive experiences by enabling foveated rendering and gaze-based interactions.


Field Of Depth (Fod)

Field of Depth (FOD) refers to the distance range of perceived depth, or the space between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in a virtual reality scene.

Field Of View

Field of View (FoV) in VR denotes the extent of the visible environment that a headset can display to a user, affecting the level of immersion and realism.

Field Of View (Fov)

Field of View (FOV) refers to the extent of the observable world that is visible through a virtual reality headset.

Frame Rate

Frame rate in VR represents the number of individual images or frames displayed per second, with higher frame rates generally resulting in smoother and more realistic visual experiences.


Gestural Interaction

Gestural interaction is a method of controlling virtual reality or augmented reality systems using hand or body movements.

Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition is the technology that allows a computer or system to interpret and respond to human gestures, such as hand movements.

Gesture-Based Interaction

Gesture-based interaction refers to the use of body movements, hand gestures, or other non-verbal cues to interact with virtual reality or augmented reality systems.


Hand Controllers

Hand controllers in VR are handheld input devices that enable users to interact with the virtual environment, providing an interface for actions such as pointing, grabbing, and manipulating objects.

Hand Presence

Hand presence is the perception of having virtual hands that accurately mirror a user's real hands, achieved through motion tracking and controller input.

Hand-Held Controller

A hand-held controller is a handheld input device used to interact with virtual reality or augmented reality systems.

Haptic Feedback

Haptic feedback is the use of tactile sensations or vibrations to create the sense of touch in a virtual environment.

Haptic Technology

Haptic technology is the use of touch-based feedback, such as vibrations or resistance, to enhance the sense of touch in virtual reality or other digital environments.


A headset is a wearable device that is worn on the head to provide a virtual reality or augmented reality experience.


Head-Mounted Display (HMD) is a wearable device that is worn on the head to provide a virtual reality or augmented reality experience.

Holographic Display

A holographic display is a display technology that creates the illusion of three-dimensional images by projecting light in a way that simulates the wavefronts of real light.

Holographic Projection

Holographic projection is a technique that creates three-dimensional images by projecting light in a way that simulates the wavefronts of real light.


Holography is a technique that creates three-dimensional images using laser light interference patterns.



Immersive VR experiences fully engage the user's senses and create a feeling of being surrounded by and actively participating in a virtual world.

Immersive Experience

An immersive experience is one that completely surrounds the user's senses, creating the illusion of being physically present in a different environment.

Immersive Theater

Immersive theater in VR involves the use of VR technology to create interactive and immersive experiences within a theatrical performance, blending virtual and real-world elements.



Lag, also known as latency, refers to the delay between a user's action and the corresponding reaction or feedback in a virtual reality system.


Latency, also known as lag, refers to the delay between a user's action and the corresponding reaction or feedback in a virtual reality system.

Lens Distortion

Lens distortion is an optical aberration that causes straight lines to appear curved in virtual reality or augmented reality headsets.

Lighthouse Tracking

Lighthouse tracking is a positional tracking system used by some VR headsets, employing infrared signals emitted by base stations to precisely determine the location and orientation of the headset and controllers.


Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality (MR) blends virtual and real-world elements in a way that allows digital objects to interact with and appear to exist within the physical environment.

Mixed Reality (Mr)

Mixed Reality (MR) is a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality, blending the real and virtual worlds.

Motion Capture

Motion capture technology in VR records and tracks the movement of a user's body or specific body parts, allowing for real-time or post-processing animation of virtual avatars or objects.

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness, or VR sickness, is a feeling of discomfort or nausea that some users may experience when using VR due to a mismatch between perceived motion and actual motion.

Motion Tracking

Motion tracking is the technology used to track the movement of a user's head or body in virtual reality, allowing their virtual avatar to move accordingly.


Oculus Go

Oculus Go is a standalone virtual reality headset developed by Oculus VR that provides an affordable and accessible virtual reality experience.

Oculus Link

Oculus Link is a software feature that allows the Oculus Quest standalone headset to be connected to a PC, enabling PC-based virtual reality experiences.

Oculus Quest

Oculus Quest is a standalone virtual reality headset developed by Oculus VR that provides a wireless and portable virtual reality experience.

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset developed by Oculus VR that provides a high-quality virtual reality experience.

Oculus Store

The Oculus Store is a digital distribution platform for virtual reality games, apps, and experiences, accessible through Oculus VR headsets.

Oculus Touch

Oculus Touch is a pair of handheld controllers developed by Oculus VR that provide hand presence and intuitive interaction in virtual reality.


Persistence Of Vision

Persistence of vision is the phenomenon where the human eye retains an image for a brief moment after it has disappeared, allowing for smooth perception of motion in film or animation.

Positional Tracking

Positional tracking is the technology that tracks the position and movement of a user's head or body in virtual reality, allowing for more realistic immersion.


Presence refers to the feeling of truly being present in a virtual environment, despite knowing it is a computer-generated simulation.


Real-Time Rendering

Real-time rendering is the process of generating and displaying computer graphics in real-time, allowing for immediate interaction and response.


Rendering in VR refers to the process of generating and displaying the visual and auditory elements of a virtual environment, including geometry, textures, lighting, and sound effects.

Replication Fidelity

Replication fidelity refers to the accuracy with which a virtual reality system can reproduce the real world.


Resolution in VR describes the number of pixels used to display an image, typically measured as the total number of pixels in the width and height of a virtual display.

Retinal Display

A retinal display is a display technology that aims to present visuals at a resolution and clarity similar to what the human eye can perceive.


Room-scale VR allows users to physically move and interact within a larger physical space that is mapped to the virtual environment, providing a more immersive and natural experience.

Room-Scale Tracking

Room-scale tracking in VR enables the tracking of a user's physical movement in a defined play area, allowing for more immersive and interactive experiences.

Room-Scale Vr

Room-scale virtual reality refers to a virtual reality experience that allows users to move and interact within a defined physical space.


Screen-Door Effect

The screen-door effect is a visual artifact in virtual reality displays where the gaps between pixels are visible, resembling a screen door.

Simulation Sickness

Simulation sickness is a condition similar to motion sickness that occurs when using virtual reality or other virtual environments.


A simulator is a device or system that replicates or emulates real-world situations, environments, or processes for training, education, or entertainment purposes.

Simulator Sickness

Simulator sickness is a condition similar to motion sickness that occurs when using simulators or virtual reality systems.

Six Degrees Of Freedom

Six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) refers to the ability to move freely in the virtual environment along three axes of translation (forward/backward, up/down, left/right) and three axes of rotation (pitch, yaw, roll).

Spatial Audio

Spatial audio is a technology that creates a three-dimensional sound experience, allowing virtual reality users to perceive sounds coming from different directions.

Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is a concept that combines virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality to create immersive and interactive virtual environments.

Stereoscopic 3D

Stereoscopic 3D in VR refers to the technique of displaying separate images to each eye to create a 3D visual perception, enhancing depth and realism.

Stereoscopic Display

A stereoscopic display is a display technology that presents separate images to each eye, creating a three-dimensional effect.



Teleportation is a common method of locomotion in VR that allows users to instantaneously move from one location to another within the virtual environment, reducing the risk of discomfort or motion sickness.


Telepresence is the feeling of being present in a remote location, brought about by the use of virtual reality or other technologies.


Tethered VR refers to a setup where the VR headset is connected to a host device, such as a computer or game console, via a cable, providing the necessary processing power and data transmission.

Tethered System

A tethered system is a virtual reality system that requires a physical connection, such as a cable, to a computer or console.

Tetherless System

A tetherless system is a virtual reality system that does not require a physical connection, such as a cable, to a computer or console.


Tracking in VR involves accurately determining the position and movement of a user's head, body, and hand controllers to enable realistic interactions within the virtual environment.


Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is a simulated, computer-generated environment that can be interacted with by a user.

Virtual Motion Sickness

Virtual motion sickness is a type of motion sickness induced by virtual reality experiences, resulting in discomfort or nausea.

Virtual Prototyping

Virtual prototyping in VR allows designers and engineers to create and test virtual prototypes of products or environments, saving time and resources compared to traditional physical prototyping.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) refers to the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment that can replicate an actual or imaginary place.

Virtual Reality Cinema

A virtual reality cinema offers a dedicated space where multiple users can simultaneously watch VR films or experiences through individual VR headsets.

Virtual Reality Sickness

Virtual reality sickness is a type of motion sickness induced by virtual reality experiences, resulting in discomfort or nausea.

Virtual Rehabilitation

Virtual rehabilitation uses VR simulations to assist in physical and cognitive therapy, providing interactive and engaging rehabilitation activities to aid in recovery and rehabilitation.

Virtual Sculpting

Virtual sculpting in VR provides artists with a digital medium to sculpt and create 3D models and sculptures using virtual tools and techniques.

Virtual Showrooms

Virtual showrooms leverage VR to provide immersive and interactive experiences for showcasing and demonstrating products, allowing users to explore and interact with virtual representations of physical products.

Virtual Socializing

Virtual socializing in VR enables users to interact and engage with others in a virtual environment, simulating real-world social interactions and creating opportunities for social experiences.

Virtual Training

Virtual training involves the use of VR simulations to provide realistic and immersive training experiences, particularly applicable in fields such as medicine, aviation, and military.

Virtual Travel

Virtual travel allows users to explore and experience different locations and environments in VR, providing a means to virtually visit distant places or engage in virtual tourism.

Virtuix Omni

The Virtuix Omni is a virtual reality treadmill that enables users to walk, run, and jump in VR games by translating their physical movements into in-game actions.


Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation in which a person can interact with an artificial three-dimensional environment.

Vr Arcade

A VR Arcade is a physical location where users can go to experience VR by renting time with VR equipment and playing VR games or engaging in other VR activities.

Vr Architecture

VR architecture allows architects and designers to create virtual representations of buildings and spaces, enabling clients and stakeholders to experience and explore designs before construction.

Vr Cinematics

VR cinematics create narrative storytelling experiences in VR, allowing users to be immersed in the story and interact with the virtual characters and environments.

Vr Collaboration

VR collaboration platforms enable users in different locations to meet and work together in a shared virtual environment, enhancing remote collaboration and communication.

Vr Content Creation

VR content creation involves the production and development of virtual reality experiences, including designing, modeling, animating, and programming elements for VR applications and games.

Vr Education

VR education utilizes virtual reality technology to create immersive and interactive educational experiences, enhancing learning by providing realistic and engaging virtual environments.

Vr Esports

VR eSports involves competitive gaming using VR technology, with players competing against each other in VR games and experiences to achieve the highest scores or complete specific objectives.

Vr Fitness

VR fitness combines VR technology with physical exercise, offering interactive and immersive fitness experiences that make workouts more engaging and enjoyable.

Vr For Ptsd

VR for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves the use of VR therapy techniques to assist individuals in confronting and processing traumatic events in a safe and controlled manner.

Vr Gaming

VR gaming refers to the use of VR technology in gaming, allowing players to experience games in a more immersive and interactive way by placing them directly within the game world.

Vr Healthcare

VR healthcare involves the use of VR technology in healthcare settings, such as pain management, cognitive therapy, or providing immersive experiences for patients during medical procedures.

Vr Journalism

VR journalism utilizes VR technology to create immersive and interactive news experiences, allowing users to explore and engage with news stories in a more immersive and engaging way.

Vr Meditation

VR meditation offers guided relaxation and mindfulness experiences in virtual environments, providing a serene and immersive space for relaxation and stress reduction.

Vr Motion Platform

A VR motion platform is a mechanical system that provides physical motion and vibrations synchronized with a user's movements and actions in VR, enhancing realism and immersion.

Vr Music

VR music experiences allow users to interact with and explore music in virtual environments, providing immersive and interactive music creation and performance platforms.

Vr Painting

VR painting allows artists to create digital artwork in VR using virtual brushes, colors, and tools, providing a new way to express creativity and explore artistic possibilities.

Vr Retail

VR retail experiences enable users to virtually browse and shop for products in immersive virtual environments, providing a unique and engaging shopping experience.

Vr Sickness

VR sickness, also known as virtual reality sickness, is a type of motion sickness induced by virtual reality experiences, resulting in discomfort or nausea.

Vr Therapy

VR therapy utilizes VR simulations and environments to provide therapeutic interventions for mental health conditions or phobias, offering a safe and controlled environment for exposure-based therapy.

Vr Therapy For Autism

VR therapy techniques are used to assist individuals on the autism spectrum in developing social and communication skills, providing a safe and controlled environment for practice and learning.

Vr Tourism

VR tourism allows users to experience and explore travel destinations in VR, offering a virtual alternative to traditional travel and providing unique and immersive virtual travel experiences.



Wireless VR eliminates the need for cables by using wireless technologies to transmit data and power to the headset, allowing for greater freedom of movement and reducing physical constraints.