Video Conferencing Terms Glossary: Video Conferencing Terms in 2024




Accessibility in video conferencing refers to the inclusive design and features that enable individuals with disabilities to participate and engage in video conferencing sessions, ensuring equal opportunities and experiences for all.

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of a video display or frame.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital content onto the real-world environment, enhancing the user's perception and interaction with the surroundings.

Augmented Reality (Ar)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays virtual objects, information, or visuals onto the real-world environment, enhancing the visual and collaborative aspects of video conferencing.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or device in a video conferencing system.


Background Noise Suppression

Background noise suppression is a feature in video conferencing applications that suppresses or filters out unwanted background noise, enhancing the clarity and intelligibility of audio during a video conference.


Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over a network connection in a given amount of time.

Breakout Room

Breakout Room is a separate virtual meeting space created within a larger video conference to facilitate smaller group discussions.

Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms are virtual rooms within a video conferencing session that allow participants to divide into smaller groups for discussions, collaborations, or activities.

Breakout Session

Breakout Session is a smaller session or group discussion that is held separately within a larger video conference.



Chat is a feature in video conferencing applications that enables participants to send text messages to each other during a video conferencing session, facilitating real-time communication.

Cloud Recording

Cloud Recording is a feature that allows video conferencing sessions to be automatically recorded and stored in the cloud.


Cloud-based refers to a video conferencing solution hosted on remote servers and accessed via the internet.


A co-host is a participant in a video conferencing session who has been assigned additional hosting privileges by the host, such as muting participants, managing controls, or controlling content sharing.


Codec is a device or software that is used to compress and decompress audio and video data for transmission over a network.

Conference Call

A conference call is a telephone call in which three or more participants can communicate simultaneously, often used interchangeably with video conferencing.


Data Sharing

Data Sharing is the ability to share files, documents, or presentations with other participants during a video conference.


Dial-In is a method of joining a video conference by calling a designated phone number and entering a meeting ID.

Digital Signage

Digital Signage refers to the use of digital displays or screens to show information or advertisements in a video conferencing environment.

Digital Signal Processing (Dsp)

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the technology used to process and enhance audio signals in real-time during a video conferencing session, improving the overall audio quality.

Dual Stream

Dual Stream is a feature that allows simultaneous transmission of two video feeds, such as a main speaker and a shared presentation.


Echo Cancellation

Echo Cancellation is a technology that reduces echo and feedback in a video conferencing call caused by audio reflecting off surfaces.


Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded form to prevent unauthorized access.


Endpoint is a device, such as a computer, smartphone, or conferencing system, that is used to initiate or receive video conferencing calls.


Far-End Camera Control

Far-end Camera Control is a feature that allows participants to remotely control the camera in another location during a video conference.


Firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

Frame Rate

Frame rate is the number of individual frames or images displayed per second, determining the fluidity and smoothness of video motion during a video conferencing session.


Green Screen

Green Screen is a tool used in video conferencing to replace the background with a chosen virtual image or video.

Group Chat

Group chat is a feature in video conferencing applications that allows multiple participants to engage in a text-based conversation during a video conference.



H.264 is a video compression standard widely used in video conferencing, providing efficient and high-quality video compression while minimizing bandwidth requirements.


H.265, also known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), is an advanced video compression standard that offers higher video quality at lower bitrates compared to H.264.


H.323 is a standard for audio, video, and data communication over IP networks, commonly used in video conferencing systems.

Hand Raise

Hand raise is a feature in video conferencing applications that allows participants to electronically indicate that they have a question, comment, or request, facilitating structured communication and interaction.

Hd Video

HD Video refers to high-definition video with a resolution of at least 720p.


Headset is a device worn on the head that combines headphones and a microphone for better audio quality in a video conference.


The host of a video conferencing session is the person responsible for setting up and managing the session, including inviting participants, controlling features, and ensuring smooth communication.

Huddle Room

Huddle Room is a small meeting space equipped with video conferencing capabilities, designed for quick collaborations.


Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard is a collaboration tool in video conferencing that enables participants to draw, write, and annotate on a shared digital whiteboard in real-time.

Internet Protocol (Ip)

Internet Protocol (IP) is a set of rules governing the format of data packets and their transmission over the internet or a network, enabling video conferencing communication.


Interoperability refers to the ability of different video conferencing systems and devices to communicate with each other.



Latency is the delay or lag between the transmission and receipt of data in a video conferencing call.

Layout Management

Layout Management is the ability to control the arrangement and display of video feeds or content during a video conference.

Low Light Correction

Low light correction is a feature in video conferencing applications that automatically adjusts the video settings to compensate for poor lighting conditions, ensuring better visibility and image quality.


Meeting Room

Meeting Room is a dedicated physical space equipped with video conferencing equipment for holding remote meetings.


Microphone is a device used to capture audio in a video conferencing call.

Mobile Application

A mobile application is a software application designed to run on mobile devices, allowing users to access and participate in video conferencing sessions using smartphones or tablets.


Multimedia refers to the integration of different forms of media, such as text, images, audio, and video, in a video conferencing session to enhance communication, engagement, and understanding.

Multipoint Conference

A multipoint conference is a video conferencing session involving three or more participants located in different places, enabling multi-party communication.

Multipoint Control Unit

Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) is a device or software that enables simultaneous connections between multiple video conferencing endpoints.


Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction is a feature that removes or suppresses background noise in a video conferencing call to improve audio quality.



On-premises refers to a video conferencing solution that is hosted and managed within an organization's own infrastructure.



Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) is a feature in video conferencing cameras that allows remote control of the camera's movement and zoom functions.


A participant is an individual who is actively involved in a video conferencing session, either as a speaker, viewer, or collaborator.


PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a numeric code used to authenticate users in a video conferencing system.

Point-To-Point Conference

A point-to-point conference is a video conferencing session between two participants located in different places, enabling one-on-one communication.


A presenter is an individual who leads or delivers a presentation or content during a video conferencing session, typically sharing their screen and engaging with participants through audio and video.


Privacy in video conferencing refers to the protection and confidentiality of participants' personal information, conversations, and data shared or discussed during a video conference.


Protocol refers to a set of rules governing the format and transmission of data in a network.



QoS (Quality of Service) refers to the measurement and optimization of network performance to ensure reliable video conferencing.

Quality Of Service (Qos)

Quality of Service (QoS) is a measure of the performance and reliability of a network connection, ensuring the consistent delivery of high-quality audio and video during a video conference.



Recording is the process of capturing and storing a video conferencing session for later playback or reference.


Resolution refers to the number of pixels displayed on a screen, impacting the clarity and detail of video images during a video conferencing call.


RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) is a protocol used for the delivery of real-time audio and video over IP networks.



Scheduling is the process of setting a date, time, and agenda for a video conferencing session, facilitating coordination and organization among participants.

Screen Layout

Screen Layout refers to the arrangement of video feeds or content on the screen during a video conference.

Screen Recording

Screen recording is a feature in video conferencing applications that allows participants to record their screen activity during a video conference, capturing both video and audio for later reference or sharing.

Screen Sharing

Screen Sharing is a feature in video conferencing that allows participants to share their computer screen with others in the meeting.

Single Sign-On (Sso)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications or systems with a single set of login credentials.


SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used to establish, modify, and terminate communication sessions in an IP network.

Software Update

A software update is a release of new features, bug fixes, or improvements to a video conferencing application or system, ensuring that users have access to the latest technology and functionalities.


Speaker is a device used to output audio in a video conferencing call.

Speaker Tracking

Speaker Tracking is a technology that automatically detects and focuses on the active speaker during a video conference.


Streaming is the continuous transmission of audio or video data over a network, allowing participants to view or listen to the content in real-time without having to wait for the entire file to download.


Technical Support

Technical support in video conferencing refers to the assistance and troubleshooting services provided to users in case of technical issues, problems, or questions related to the video conferencing software or equipment.

Two-Factor Authentication (2Fa)

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security measure that requires users to provide two forms of identification, typically a password and a verification code sent to a mobile device, to access a video conference.


Unified Communications

Unified Communications refers to the integration of various communication channels, including video conferencing, into a single platform.

User Experience (Ux)

User Experience (UX) encompasses the overall experience and satisfaction of users while using a video conferencing application, including ease of use, efficiency, and effectiveness of the software.

User Interface (Ui)

User Interface (UI) refers to the visual layout, controls, and menus in a video conferencing application that allow users to interact with the software and access its various features and functions.

User Training

User training in video conferencing involves providing education and guidance to users on how to effectively use the video conferencing software, features, and best practices for successful video conferences.


Video Bridge

A video bridge, also known as a Multipoint Control Unit (MCU), is a device or software that enables multipoint video conferencing by connecting multiple endpoints into a single video stream.

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing allows people in different locations to meet and communicate through audio and video transmissions.

Video Conferencing Room

A video conferencing room is a dedicated physical space equipped with video conferencing systems and equipment for conducting high-quality video conferencing sessions.

Video Layout

Video Layout refers to the arrangement and display of video feeds or content during a video conference.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant is an AI-powered software that can perform tasks or provide information during a video conference.

Virtual Background

Virtual Background is a feature in video conferencing that allows users to replace their actual background with a virtual image or video.

Virtual Break

A virtual break is a scheduled pause or recess during a video conferencing session, allowing participants to take a short break, refresh, or engage in informal conversations.

Virtual Handover

A virtual handover is the transfer of control or hosting of a video conferencing session from one participant to another, allowing seamless continuity and smooth transition of the session.

Virtual Handshake

A virtual handshake is a metaphorical expression for an exchange of greetings or introductions that occur at the beginning of a video conferencing session, establishing rapport and connection among participants.

Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting is a video conferencing session where participants join remotely from different locations.

Virtual Meeting Background

A virtual meeting background is a feature in video conferencing applications that allows users to replace the actual background with a virtual image or video, enhancing the aesthetics and privacy of the video conference.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with using specialized hardware, such as VR headsets.

Virtual Reality (Vr)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that immerses users in a simulated, interactive 3D environment, enhancing the visual and sensory experience of video conferencing.

Virtual Waiting Room

Virtual Waiting Room is a feature that allows participants to wait in a virtual area before being admitted to a video conference.


VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology that allows voice communication over the internet.


Waiting Room

A waiting room is a virtual space in video conferencing applications where participants can wait before the host admits them to the main video conference, ensuring privacy and security.

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing is a form of video conferencing that specifically relies on web-based technologies and platforms to facilitate virtual meetings and collaborations.


Webcam is a camera device used to capture video and audio of participants in a video conferencing call.


Webcasting is the live broadcasting of video and audio content over the internet, allowing a large number of participants to watch and listen to a presentation or event in real-time.


A webinar is a live or recorded web-based seminar or presentation that allows participants to join remotely and interact with the presenter or host.


WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a free, open-source project that enables real-time communication in web browsers through API.


Whiteboard is a virtual space in a video conferencing system where participants can draw, write, and share ideas.