Smart Manufacturing Terms Glossary: Smart Manufacturing Terms in 2024



Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, refers to the process of creating three-dimensional objects by adding material layer by layer, based on a digital model.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics encompasses the use of advanced statistical and mathematical techniques, such as predictive modeling and optimization algorithms, to derive insights and make data-driven decisions in manufacturing.

Advanced Robotics

Advanced Robotics encompasses the development and application of sophisticated robots and robotic systems that can perform complex tasks, adapt to changing environments, and interact with humans.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn.

Artificial Intelligence (Ai)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence.

Asset Management

Asset Management involves the monitoring, maintenance, and optimization of physical assets, such as equipment and machinery, to ensure reliability, availability, and cost-effectiveness.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital information, such as 3D models or instructions, onto the real-world environment, providing workers with real-time guidance and improving productivity.

Augmented Reality (Ar)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images or instructions, onto the physical world, enhancing the user's perception and interaction with the environment.

Autonomous Systems

Autonomous Systems are self-contained devices or machines that can perform tasks or make decisions without human intervention, relying on sensors, AI, and advanced algorithms.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicles, also known as self-driving vehicles or driverless cars, are vehicles capable of sensing their environment and operating without human input.


Batch Processing

Batch Processing refers to the execution of a series of jobs or tasks in a predefined sequence, with each job or task processed separately before moving to the next.

Big Data

Big Data refers to large and complex datasets that are difficult to process using traditional data processing methods, but can provide valuable insights when analyzed.


Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. It provides enhanced security and transparency for supply chain management and product traceability in manufacturing.

Business Intelligence (Bi)

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications, and practices for collecting, integrating, analyzing, and presenting business data to support decision-making and strategic planning.


Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including storage, processing power, and software, over the internet, without the need for on-site infrastructure.

Cloud Manufacturing

Cloud Manufacturing is a manufacturing model that utilizes cloud computing platforms, enabling manufacturing enterprises to share resources, collaborate, and access services on-demand.

Collaborative Robotics

Collaborative Robotics, also known as cobots, refers to robots designed to work collaboratively with humans in a shared workspace, enhancing productivity, safety, and flexibility.

Compliance Management

Compliance Management refers to the processes and systems used to ensure that an organization adheres to relevant laws, regulations, standards, and industry best practices, minimizing risks and ensuring ethical and legal operations.

Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring involves the use of sensors and data analytics to continuously monitor the health and performance of equipment or assets, enabling predictive maintenance and avoiding unexpected failures.

Cyber-Physical Production Systems

Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) integrate physical processes with digital systems and networks to create a connected and intelligent manufacturing environment.

Cyber-Physical Production Systems (Cpps)

Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) integrate physical and cyber components to enable real-time monitoring, control, and optimization of manufacturing processes.

Cyber-Physical Security

Cyber-Physical Security focuses on protecting the interconnected systems, devices, and networks in a smart manufacturing environment from cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and security of data and operations.

Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are physical systems that are connected to the digital world through sensors and networked infrastructure, enabling real-time monitoring and control.

Cyber-Physical Systems (Cps)

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are physical systems controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms and software, integrating the physical and digital worlds.


Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction, aiming to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.


Data Analytics

Data Analytics involves the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns and insights from data, enabling informed decision-making and improved business performance.

Data Integration

Data Integration is the process of combining data from different sources, formats, or systems into a unified and consistent view, enabling analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

Data Security

Data Security encompasses the measures and practices used to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn and make predictions by progressively increasing the complexity and depth of the network.

Digital Connectivity

Digital Connectivity refers to the interconnection of devices, systems, and platforms, enabling data exchange, communication, and collaboration, forming the foundation of smart manufacturing.

Digital Fabrication

Digital Fabrication refers to the use of digital technologies, such as 3D printing and CNC machining, to create physical objects from digital models or designs.

Digital Factory

A Digital Factory is a virtual representation of a physical manufacturing plant, integrating real-time data, models, and simulations to optimize production processes, layout, and resource allocation.

Digital Manufacturing

Digital Manufacturing encompasses the use of digital technologies, such as CAD, CAM, and simulation, to design, plan, and optimize manufacturing processes and operations.

Digital Supply Chain

A Digital Supply Chain is a system that uses digital technologies to connect and integrate all activities involved in the supply chain, from sourcing and production, to distribution and customer service.

Digital Thread

The Digital Thread is the seamless and interconnected flow of data throughout the product lifecycle, from design and engineering to manufacturing, quality control, and customer feedback.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation refers to the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of a business or industry, fundamentally changing how they operate, deliver value, and interact with stakeholders.

Digital Twin

A Digital Twin is a virtual replica of a physical asset or process created through sensors and data, allowing for simulation, monitoring, and optimization of the real-world counterpart.


Digitalization is the process of converting analog information into digital formats, enabling storage, processing, and transmission of data, facilitating automation, analysis, and optimization.

Distributed Control System (Dcs)

A Distributed Control System (DCS) is a centralized control system that utilizes networked controllers and sensors to monitor and control industrial processes, ensuring coordination, safety, and efficiency.


Edge Computing

Edge Computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the edge of the network, reducing latency, bandwidth usage, and reliance on cloud infrastructure.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency refers to the use of less energy to provide the same level of output or services, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.

Energy Harvesting

Energy Harvesting refers to the process of capturing and storing energy from external sources, such as solar power, vibrations, or thermal energy, to power wireless sensors, devices, or systems.

Energy Management

Energy Management focuses on optimizing energy consumption and efficiency in manufacturing operations through the use of smart devices, real-time monitoring, and advanced control systems.

Energy Management Systems

Energy Management Systems refer to systems that monitor, control, and optimize energy consumption in buildings, industrial facilities, or processes, aiming to achieve energy efficiency and cost savings.

Energy Optimization

Energy Optimization focuses on reducing energy consumption and maximizing energy efficiency in manufacturing processes, through monitoring, analysis, and optimization of energy usage.


Factory Automation

Factory Automation involves the use of control systems, machines, and robots to automate repetitive and manual tasks in the manufacturing process, increasing efficiency, productivity, and safety.

Factory Of The Future

The Factory of the Future refers to the vision of a highly automated, data-driven, and flexible manufacturing facility that utilizes advanced technologies and digital systems for improved productivity and competitiveness.

Fault Detection And Diagnosis (Fdd)

Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) is the process of identifying abnormal conditions, faults, or failures in systems or equipment, using data analysis and modeling techniques, enabling proactive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Fog Computing

Fog Computing refers to a distributed computing infrastructure that extends cloud computing capabilities to the edge of the network, closer to the sources of data generation.


Human-Machine Interface

The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is the point of interaction between humans and machines. It allows operators to control and monitor manufacturing processes and provides feedback to the user.

Human-Machine Interface (Hmi)

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is the point of interaction between humans and machines, often through graphical user interfaces, touchscreens, or voice commands, facilitating control, monitoring, and data visualization.

Human-Robot Collaboration

Human-Robot Collaboration involves the integration of humans and robots to work together in a shared workspace, combining their respective strengths to improve productivity, flexibility, and safety.


Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation involves the use of control systems, such as PLCs and SCADA, to automate manufacturing processes and improve efficiency, reliability, and safety.

Industrial Control System (Ics)

An Industrial Control System (ICS) is a collection of hardware, software, and networking components that control and monitor industrial processes, providing automation, safety, and operational efficiency.

Industrial Internet Of Things

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the application of IoT technologies specifically in an industrial or manufacturing context, enabling connectivity, data exchange, and automation.

Industrial Internet Of Things (Iiot)

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of IoT technologies specifically in industrial settings, enabling enhanced connectivity, data collection, and analysis for optimized operations.

Industrial Robotics

Industrial Robotics involves the use of robots in industrial settings to automate tasks such as assembly, handling, and welding, enhancing productivity, safety, and precision.

Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation combines AI, machine learning, and robotics to automate repetitive and manual tasks, enabling higher productivity, accuracy, and scalability in manufacturing operations.

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that can collect and exchange data, enabling communication and automation in the manufacturing process.

Internet Of Things (Iot)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other, enabling real-time monitoring and control of manufacturing operations.


Just-In-Time (Jit)

Just-in-Time (JIT) is a production strategy that aims to minimize inventory and production lead times by producing and delivering products only when needed, reducing waste and cost.


Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing is a systematic approach to process improvement that aims to eliminate waste, optimize production, and increase value, based on the principles of continuous improvement and respect for people.


Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling machines to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

Machine Learning (Ml)

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that focuses on getting machines to learn from data and make predictions or take actions without being explicitly programmed.

Machine-To-Machine (M2M)

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to direct communication between devices or machines without human intervention, using wired or wireless connections.

Machine-To-Machine Communication

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication refers to the direct exchange of data between machines without human intervention. It enables seamless communication and coordination between different manufacturing systems and devices.

Manufacturing Execution System

A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a software system that manages and controls manufacturing operations on the shop floor, providing real-time data collection, analysis, and reporting.

Manufacturing Execution System (Mes)

A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is a software-based solution that provides real-time visibility, control, and optimization of manufacturing operations, improving efficiency, quality, and compliance.

Manufacturing Intelligence

Manufacturing Intelligence refers to the collection, analysis, and visualization of real-time data from manufacturing operations, enabling insights, decision-making, and performance improvement.


Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture refers to the use of advanced technologies, such as GPS, drones, and sensors, to monitor and optimize agricultural processes, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity, and environmental sustainability.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics is the use of statistical models and machine learning techniques to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events or outcomes.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance is a technique that uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict when equipment failure is likely to occur, allowing for timely maintenance and preventing unplanned downtime.

Process Automation

Process Automation involves the use of technology and software to perform repetitive, rule-based tasks, such as data entry and processing, reducing errors, time, and labor costs.

Process Optimization

Process Optimization involves analyzing and improving manufacturing processes to maximize efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety, through methods like data analysis, modeling, and continuous improvement.

Product Customization

Product Customization, also known as mass customization, refers to the ability to produce individualized products or variations of products to meet specific customer requirements.

Product Data Management

Product Data Management (PDM) encompasses the storage, organization, and control of all data and information related to a product throughout its lifecycle, ensuring data integrity and accessibility for manufacturing activities.

Product Lifecycle Management

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) involves the management of all stages of a product's lifecycle, from conception and design to manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal.

Product Lifecycle Management (Plm)

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a software-based approach to managing the entire lifecycle of a product, from ideation and design to manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal.

Productivity Improvement

Productivity Improvement focuses on maximizing the output and efficiency of manufacturing processes through the identification and elimination of bottlenecks, waste, and non-value-added activities.


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is a set of planned and systematic activities performed to ensure that products or services meet specified quality requirements, focusing on prevention, process improvement, and customer satisfaction.

Quality Control

Quality Control is a set of procedures and activities performed to ensure that products or services meet specified quality requirements, aiming to prevent defects, reduce variation, and improve customer satisfaction.

Quality Management System

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a set of processes, policies, and procedures designed to ensure that products and services meet customer requirements and quality standards.

Quality Management System (Qms)

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a set of processes, policies, and procedures designed to ensure that products and services consistently meet customer requirements and quality standards.


Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects, enabling real-time visibility and traceability.

Real-Time Analytics

Real-time Analytics involves the analysis of data as it is generated to gain immediate insights and support timely decision-making in manufacturing operations.

Real-Time Data Analytics

Real-time Data Analytics involves the analysis of data as it is generated or received, enabling immediate insights, decision-making, and action-taking based on the current state of the manufacturing processes.

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time Monitoring involves the continuous collection and analysis of data from manufacturing processes or equipment, providing immediate insights and allowing for timely actions or interventions.

Remote Monitoring

Remote Monitoring refers to the continuous monitoring and control of equipment, processes, or systems from a remote location, using sensors, communication technologies, and data analytics.


Robotics involves the design, creation, and use of robots to perform tasks autonomously or with human collaboration, improving efficiency, precision, and safety in manufacturing processes.

Robotics Process Automation

Robotics Process Automation (RPA) involves the use of software robots or bots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks in manufacturing processes, reducing human error and increasing efficiency.

Robotics Process Automation (Rpa)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to the use of software robots or AI to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks or processes, reducing human error and increasing productivity.



Simulation refers to the imitation or representation of the operation or behavior of a real-world system over time, often performed using computer models or virtual environments.

Simulation Modeling

Simulation Modeling involves creating a digital replica of a system or process to simulate its behavior and analyze different scenarios, enabling optimization, risk assessment, and decision-making.

Smart Cities

Smart Cities refer to urban areas that integrate digital technologies, IoT devices, and data analytics to manage resources efficiently, enhance quality of life, and improve sustainability.

Smart Energy Management

Smart Energy Management involves using advanced technologies and data analytics to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste in manufacturing facilities, improving sustainability and cost-efficiency.

Smart Factory

A Smart Factory is a connected, data-driven production facility that utilizes advanced technologies, such as IoT, AI, and automation, to optimize efficiency, flexibility, and responsiveness.

Smart Grid

A Smart Grid is an advanced electrical network that uses sensors, communication systems, and data analytics to efficiently manage and optimize the generation, distribution, and consumption of electricity.

Smart Logistics

Smart Logistics utilizes advanced technologies, such as IoT, data analytics, and automation, to optimize the planning, management, and execution of logistics operations, improving efficiency, visibility, and customer satisfaction.

Smart Maintenance

Smart Maintenance is an approach that utilizes IoT, condition monitoring, and predictive analytics to optimize maintenance activities, reduce downtime, and increase equipment reliability in manufacturing plants.

Smart Manufacturing

Smart Manufacturing refers to the use of advanced technologies and data analytics to optimize the manufacturing process and improve productivity, efficiency, and quality.

Smart Packaging

Smart Packaging refers to packaging that incorporates digital technologies, such as sensors, RFID tags, or QR codes, to provide additional functionalities, such as tracking, authentication, or temperature monitoring.

Smart Sensors

Smart Sensors are advanced sensing devices equipped with built-in processing capabilities, enabling them to collect, analyze, and transmit data for real-time monitoring and control.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management refers to the coordination and management of all activities involved in the production and delivery of products or services, from raw material acquisition to final distribution.

Supply Chain Optimization

Supply Chain Optimization involves using data analytics and optimization techniques to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain, optimizing inventory, transportation, and production.

Supply Chain Visibility

Supply Chain Visibility refers to the ability to track and monitor the movement of products, materials, and information across the entire supply chain, enabling better coordination and decision-making.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainable Manufacturing refers to the practice of manufacturing products using processes that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and socially responsible.


Time Series Analysis

Time Series Analysis is a statistical method that analyzes numerical data collected over time to identify patterns, trends, and seasonal variations, allowing for forecasting and anomaly detection.


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with using specialized hardware, providing immersive experiences for training and design purposes in the manufacturing industry.

Virtual Reality (Vr)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with and experienced through immersive devices, typically for training or visualization purposes.


Zero Defect Manufacturing

Zero Defect Manufacturing aims to eliminate defects and errors in the manufacturing process through proactive quality control measures, reducing waste, rework, and customer dissatisfaction.