Online Education Terms Glossary: Online Education Terms in 2024




Accessibility in online education refers to designing and delivering courses and materials that are user-friendly and can be accessed by learners with disabilities.

Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Tools are software or features designed to assist learners with disabilities in accessing and interacting with online educational content.

Accessible Design

Accessible design refers to the practice of creating online courses and content that are usable and accessible to all learners.

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive Learning uses technology to deliver personalized learning experiences that adapt to individual learner needs and progress.


Andragogy is the theory and practice of teaching adult learners, emphasizing self-directed and experiential learning.

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous Learning refers to online learning activities that can be completed at different times, without the need for real-time interaction.

Augmented Reality (Ar)

Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital information and virtual objects onto the real world, enhancing the user's perception and interaction.



Badges are digital credentials that represent achievements, skills, or knowledge earned by learners in an online course.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning is an approach that combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning activities.



Chunking is the practice of breaking down large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable pieces to enhance learning and retention.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning is an instructional approach that encourages learners to work together in groups or teams to solve problems, share ideas, and construct knowledge.

Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment involves the ongoing evaluation of learners' progress and performance throughout an online course.

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning is an instructional approach that involves learners working together in groups to achieve a common learning goal.


Copyright refers to the legal rights granted to the creator of an original work, ensuring that they have exclusive control over its use and distribution.

Course Accreditation

Course accreditation is the process of obtaining official recognition and approval for an online course or program.

Course Completion Rate

Course Completion Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of enrolled learners who successfully complete an online course.

Course Content

Course Content refers to the educational materials, resources, and activities provided to learners as part of an online course.

Course Design

Course design is the process of planning and organizing the content, activities, and assessments for an online course.

Course Evaluation

Course Evaluation is the process of gathering feedback and opinions from learners about their learning experience, instructor effectiveness, and course quality.

Course Management

Course Management refers to the administration and organization of online courses, including enrollment, access control, and logistical arrangements.


Courseware refers to the educational content and materials used in an online course, including textbooks, presentations, videos, and interactive activities.


Curriculum refers to the planned and structured educational content and activities designed to achieve specific learning objectives.


Data Privacy

Data Privacy involves protecting the personal information and data of learners, ensuring that it is collected, stored, and used in a secure and ethical manner.

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical use of digital technologies, including online communication, privacy, and respecting intellectual property.

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy is the ability to use digital technologies effectively and responsibly to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information.

Discussion Board

Discussion Board is an online space where learners can post and respond to messages, fostering asynchronous communication and collaboration.

Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum is an online platform where learners can exchange ideas, ask questions, and engage in discussions with instructors and peers.

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums are online platforms where learners can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share ideas and experiences with peers and instructors.

Discussion Moderator

A discussion moderator is a person responsible for managing and facilitating online discussions within a learning community.

Distance Learning

Distance Learning is a type of education where students and instructors are separated by geographical distance, and instruction is delivered remotely.



E-learning, or electronic learning, refers to the use of electronic devices and digital platforms for delivering educational content and courses.


E-Portfolio is a digital collection of learners' work, achievements, and reflections, showcasing their skills, knowledge, and growth.


Engagement in online education refers to the level of participation, interaction, and interest displayed by learners in the learning process.



Feedback in online education refers to providing learners with information, comments, or suggestions on their work, performance, or progress.

Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom is an instructional model where learners engage with learning materials and activities before class, and use class time for discussions and application.



Gamification is the use of game elements and game design techniques in educational environments to enhance engagement and motivation.


Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning combines both online and face-to-face instruction, blending traditional classroom teaching with digital learning activities.


Instructional Design

Instructional Design is the systematic process of designing and developing instructional materials and experiences to facilitate effective learning.

Instructional Video

Instructional Video is a video that demonstrates or provides instructions on a particular topic or skill, often used for teaching and learning purposes.

Instructional Videos

Instructional Videos are videos that provide step-by-step instructions or demonstrations of specific concepts or skills, often used in online courses.


Instructor-Led refers to online courses and learning experiences that are facilitated, guided, or taught by an instructor.

Intelligent Tutoring System (Its)

An intelligent tutoring system is a computer-based tool that provides personalized instruction and feedback to learners.

Interactive Multimedia

Interactive Multimedia refers to digital media elements, such as videos, animations, and simulations, that allow learners to actively engage and interact with the content.


Learner Analytics

Learner analytics involves the collection and analysis of data on learners' behavior and performance to improve the effectiveness of online education.

Learner Engagement

Learner engagement refers to the level of interest, motivation, and active participation of learners in an online course or activity.

Learning Analytics

Learning Analytics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data generated during the learning process to gain insights into learner behavior and improve educational outcomes.

Learning Community

A Learning Community is a group of individuals who come together to learn, share knowledge, and support each other's educational goals, often facilitated through online platforms.

Learning Management System (Lms)

A Learning Management System is a software application used to manage, deliver, and track online courses and educational content.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives are specific statements that describe what learners should be able to know, do, or understand after completing a learning activity or course.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes are specific statements that describe what learners should be able to do or know after completing a course or educational program.

Learning Pathway

A learning pathway is a structured sequence of courses and resources that guide learners' progress and enable them to achieve specific learning goals.


Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that supports the administration, delivery, and tracking of online courses.


Massive Open Online Course (Mooc)

A Massive Open Online Course is an online course that is open to an unlimited number of participants and can be accessed by anyone with internet access.


Microcredential is a short, focused learning program that is typically completed online and provides recognition for acquiring specific skills or knowledge.


Microcredentials are small, focused units of learning that can be earned and recognized for specific skills or knowledge areas.


Microlearning involves delivering educational content in short, bite-sized modules, typically through multimedia formats.

Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning (m-learning) is a form of online education that takes place on portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Mobile Learning (M-Learning)

Mobile Learning, also known as m-learning, refers to the use of mobile devices to access educational resources and participate in learning activities.


Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online course that is open to a large number of participants from around the world.


Online Assessment

Online Assessment is the process of evaluating learners' knowledge, skills, and abilities using digital tools and platforms.

Online Assessments

Online Assessments refer to the evaluation of learners' knowledge and skills through digital quizzes, tests, and assignments.

Online Certification

Online Certification is the process of earning a certificate or credential for completing a specific online course or program.

Online Collaboration

Online Collaboration involves working together with others on projects, assignments, or activities using digital tools and platforms.

Online Collaboration Tools

Online collaboration tools facilitate communication, file sharing, and project management among learners and instructors.

Online Course Design

Online Course Design involves planning, organizing, and structuring the content and activities of an online course to facilitate effective learning experiences.

Online Degree

Online Degree is an academic degree that is obtained through online education, where learners complete courses and requirements remotely.

Online Discussion Forum

An online discussion forum is a platform where learners can engage in asynchronous discussions on course-related topics.

Online Education

Online Education refers to the process of delivering educational content and courses via the internet.

Online Learning Community

An online learning community is a virtual space where learners and instructors can connect, collaborate, and support each other.

Online Learning Platform

An online learning platform is a web-based system or software that hosts and delivers online courses and educational materials.

Online Office Hours

Online office hours are scheduled times when instructors are available online to answer questions and provide support to learners.

Online Portfolio

An Online Portfolio is a digital collection of a learner's work, projects, and achievements, often used to showcase skills and experiences.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring is the provision of academic support and guidance to learners remotely, typically through video conferencing and virtual whiteboard tools.

Open Courseware

Open Courseware refers to freely accessible educational content, including lectures, notes, and assignments, that can be used for self-study or incorporated into courses.

Open Educational Resources (Oer)

Open Educational Resources are freely accessible learning materials that can be used, shared, and modified to support teaching and learning.

Open Source Software (Oss)

Open source software is software with source code that is freely available and can be modified and distributed by users.



Pedagogy refers to the theory and practice of teaching and education, encompassing instructional methods, strategies, and approaches.

Peer Assessment

Peer Assessment involves learners evaluating and providing feedback on the work and performance of their peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Peer-To-Peer Learning

Peer-to-peer Learning is an instructional approach where learners collaborate and learn from each other, sharing knowledge and experiences.

Personal Learning Network (Pln)

Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a network of individuals, resources, and connections that learners use to support their learning and professional development.

Personalized Learning

Personalized Learning refers to the customization of educational experiences to meet individual learner needs, preferences, and pace.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper attribution, presenting them as one's own.

Professional Development

Professional Development refers to ongoing learning and skill development for professionals working in the field of online education.


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance in online education refers to the processes and procedures put in place to ensure that the delivery and assessment of educational programs meet predetermined standards.


Remote Proctoring

Remote Proctoring is a method of monitoring online exams to prevent cheating, using video surveillance and analytics to ensure exam integrity.

Responsive Design

Responsive design refers to the design of online courses and platforms that adapt and display properly on different devices and screen sizes.


Retention in online education refers to the ability of learners to remember and apply what they have learned over time.

Retention Rate

Retention Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of learners who continue or return to an online course after the initial enrollment.

Retention Strategies

Retention Strategies are proactive measures and interventions implemented to increase learner engagement and reduce dropout rates in online courses.


Rubric is a scoring guide or set of criteria used to assess and evaluate learners' performance on assignments, projects, or assessments.



Scaffolding is a support system or framework that helps learners build upon their existing knowledge and skills to achieve a higher level of understanding.


Screencasting is the process of recording and sharing a digital video or demonstration of a computer screen, often used for tutorial or instructional purposes.

Self-Paced Learning

Self-paced Learning allows learners to set their own learning speed and progress through the course materials at their own convenience.

Social Learning

Social Learning is an approach that emphasizes learning through observing, imitating, and interacting with others, both online and offline.

Social Presence

Social Presence refers to the degree to which learners perceive and experience a sense of connection, community, and interaction in online learning environments.

Student Success

Student Success in online education refers to the achievement of positive educational outcomes and the overall satisfaction and progress of learners.

Synchronous Learning

Synchronous Learning refers to online learning activities that occur in real-time, where students and instructors interact simultaneously.


Technical Support

Technical Support provides assistance and troubleshooting for technical issues learners may encounter while accessing online courses or using digital tools.


Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing is a communication technology that enables real-time audio and video interaction between multiple participants located in different places.

Video Lecture

A video lecture is a recorded lecture or presentation that can be accessed online.

Video Lectures

Video Lectures are recorded lectures or instructional videos that can be accessed online, offering a flexible and visual learning experience.

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is an AI-powered tool or chatbot that provides automated assistance and support to learners.

Virtual Classroom

A Virtual Classroom is an online space where students and instructors can interact in real-time through video conferencing and collaboration tools.

Virtual Field Trip

A virtual field trip is a simulated journey that allows learners to explore places and environments through immersive technology.

Virtual Laboratory

A virtual laboratory is a simulated environment where learners can conduct experiments, make observations, and analyze data.

Virtual Reality (Vr)

Virtual Reality is a technology that simulates a computer-generated environment, providing users with an immersive, interactive experience.



Webinar is a web-based seminar or presentation conducted over the internet, allowing participants to join remotely and interact with the presenter.