Digital Asset Management Terms Glossary: Digital Asset Management Terms in 2024



Access Controls

Access controls are security measures and mechanisms that regulate and control the authentication, authorization, and permissions for accessing and managing digital assets.

Aem (Adobe Experience Manager)

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive digital asset management system offered by Adobe, designed to manage, publish, and deliver digital assets and content across various channels.

Ai-Driven Auto-Tagging

AI-driven auto-tagging consists of using Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as machine learning or deep learning algorithms, to automatically assign relevant tags or metadata to digital assets based on their content or context.

Ai-Powered Recognition

AI-powered recognition refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, such as image or speech recognition, to automatically identify, tag, or annotate digital assets.

Ai-Powered Tagging

AI-powered tagging utilizes Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as computer vision and natural language processing, to automatically analyze, classify, and tag digital assets based on their visual or textual characteristics.

Api (Application Programming Interface)

An API is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate and interact with each other, facilitating integration and interoperability between systems.

Api Documentation

API documentation provides detailed information, specifications, and examples on how to use and interact with an API, facilitating its implementation and integration into other systems.

Api Integration

API integration involves connecting and integrating different software applications, systems, or platforms to enable seamless data exchange, communication, or functionality.

Api-Driven Architecture

API-driven architecture refers to an architectural approach where applications and systems are built, integrated, and extended by leveraging APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for data exchange, connectivity, and interoperability.

Artificial Intelligence (Ai)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform cognitive tasks such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Artwork Management

Artwork management specifically focuses on the organization, control, and distribution of digital artwork assets, such as graphics, illustrations, and designs, ensuring proper versioning, usage, and compliance.

Asset Collaboration

Asset collaboration involves enabling multiple users to work together on a digital asset, allowing for simultaneous editing, commenting, and version tracking.

Asset Conversion

Asset conversion is the process of transforming a digital asset from one file format to another, often done to ensure compatibility, optimize performance, or meet specific requirements.

Asset Lifecycle

The asset lifecycle refers to the stages or phases that a digital asset goes through, from creation and ingestion to distribution, usage, archiving, and potential deletion.

Asset Management System

An asset management system is a software or platform specifically designed to facilitate the organization, storage, retrieval, and distribution of digital assets.

Asset Repository

An asset repository is a centralized storage system or database that houses digital assets, allowing for easy search, retrieval, and management of assets.

Asset Usage History

Asset usage history tracks and records the usage, views, downloads, or interactions with digital assets over time, providing insights into their popularity, trends, or performance.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users or systems accessing digital assets, often involving usernames, passwords, biometrics, or other secure credentials.


Authorization involves granting or denying users or systems access to certain digital assets or functionalities based on their authenticated identity and assigned permissions.


Auto-cropping is the automatic removal of unwanted or unnecessary parts of an image or video frame to focus on the main subject or improve visual composition.

Auto-Metadata Extraction

Auto-metadata extraction is the automated process of extracting descriptive metadata from digital assets, such as detecting and extracting keywords, tags, or other relevant information.


Auto-tagging is the process of automatically assigning descriptive tags or metadata to digital assets based on predefined rules, algorithms, or AI technologies.


Backup And Recovery

Backup and recovery in DAM involves implementing strategies, systems, and processes to regularly back up and restore digital assets in case of data loss, corruption, or system failures.

Batch Processing

Batch processing involves the automated execution of a series of tasks or operations on a set of digital assets, enabling efficient processing, manipulation, and transformation of assets in large quantities.


Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology that enables secure and transparent transactions and data sharing, with potential applications in digital asset management, particularly in areas such as provenance, authentication, and rights management.

Brand Consistency

Brand consistency in DAM refers to maintaining uniformity and coherence in the visual identity, messaging, and brand elements across different digital assets and channels.

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are a set of rules, standards, and visual elements that define and maintain the consistency and integrity of a brand's identity across various digital assets and platforms.

Brand Management

Brand management focuses on maintaining and controlling the consistency, integrity, and usage of digital assets and content associated with a brand, ensuring compliance with brand guidelines and standards.


Cloud Storage

Cloud storage refers to the practice of storing digital assets and data in remote servers accessible over the internet, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-effective storage solutions.

Cms (Content Management System)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software or platform that enables the creation, organization, storage, and publishing of digital content, including text, images, videos, and other assets.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools in DAM enable users to work together, share feedback, and collaborate on digital assets, facilitating a seamless and efficient creative or review process.

Collaborative Editing

Collaborative editing enables multiple users to edit, revise, or contribute to a digital asset simultaneously, facilitating real-time collaboration, feedback, and version control.

Collateral Management

Collateral management focuses on the organization, control, and distribution of marketing collateral, such as brochures, flyers, and presentations, ensuring their availability and consistency across channels and campaigns.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is an AI technology that enables machines to analyze and understand visual content, such as images and videos, allowing for automated tagging, recognition, and classification of digital assets.

Content Delivery Network (Cdn)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that efficiently delivers digital content, including images, videos, and other assets, to end-users, improving performance and reducing latency.

Copyright Management

Copyright management in DAM involves tracking, managing, and enforcing copyright permissions and licenses for digital assets, ensuring compliance with legal and usage restrictions.

Creative Approval Workflow

Creative approval workflow is the defined sequence of steps, tasks, and approvals required to review, approve, and release digital assets, ensuring quality control and compliance.

Custom Metadata Fields

Custom metadata fields allow users to define and create additional fields or attributes for digital assets, enabling more granular, specific, or customized metadata tagging.


Customization in DAM refers to the ability to tailor or modify the user interface, features, or functionality of a DAM system to meet specific organizational or user requirements.


Dam Integration

DAM integration involves connecting a digital asset management system with other software applications, platforms, or systems, allowing for seamless data exchange, automation, and collaboration.

Data Backup

Data backup is the process of creating and storing copies of digital assets and data to ensure their availability and recovery in the event of accidental deletion, hardware failure, or other incidents.

Data Governance

Data governance refers to the policies, processes, and controls implemented to ensure the accuracy, integrity, security, and privacy of data, including digital assets, throughout their lifecycle.

Data Migration Tools

Data migration tools are software or applications specifically designed to facilitate the transfer, mapping, and transformation of digital assets from one system to another.

Data Security

Data security encompasses the measures and practices used to protect digital assets and data from unauthorized access, manipulation, or loss, involving technologies such as encryption, access controls, and firewalls.

Digital Asset

A digital asset refers to any form of content or media that exists in a digital format, including images, videos, audio files, documents, and more.

Digital Asset Analytics

Digital asset analytics involve the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and metrics related to the usage, performance, and effectiveness of digital assets, providing insights for optimization and decision-making.

Digital Asset Delivery

Digital asset delivery involves the secure and efficient distribution or dissemination of digital assets to end-users, clients, or partners, ensuring timely and controlled access.

Digital Asset Discovery

Digital asset discovery refers to the process of identifying and cataloging digital assets within an organization, uncovering hidden or unmanaged assets, and ensuring comprehensive asset coverage.

Digital Asset Embedding

Digital asset embedding involves the integration or inclusion of digital assets within other applications, platforms, or content, allowing for dynamic display and interaction with the assets.

Digital Asset Governance

Digital asset governance involves establishing policies, standards, and guidelines for the creation, management, and usage of digital assets within an organization, ensuring compliance and best practices.

Digital Asset Lifecycle

The digital asset lifecycle refers to the different stages a digital asset goes through, including creation, organization, metadata tagging, storage, distribution, and eventual archiving or deletion.

Digital Asset Monetization

Digital asset monetization involves the process of leveraging digital assets to generate revenue or derive value, such as through licensing, distribution, advertising, or other monetization strategies.

Digital Asset Preservation

Digital asset preservation refers to the long-term storage, backup, and archiving of digital assets to ensure their integrity, accessibility, and usability over extended periods of time.

Digital Asset Restriction

Digital asset restriction involves setting and enforcing access restrictions, permissions, or limitations on the usage, sharing, or editing of digital assets based on user roles or attributes.

Digital Asset Search

Digital asset search refers to the process of using search functionality within a DAM system to locate, retrieve, and access specific digital assets based on search terms, filters, or criteria.

Digital Asset Security

Digital asset security involves implementing measures, protocols, and technologies to protect digital assets from unauthorized access, theft, tampering, or data breaches.

Digital Asset Strategy

A digital asset strategy is a comprehensive plan or roadmap that outlines the goals, objectives, and methods for effectively managing and leveraging digital assets within an organization.

Digital Asset Transformation

Digital asset transformation involves converting or modifying digital assets from one format, size, or resolution to another, often to optimize for different platforms or devices.

Digital Preservation

Digital preservation involves strategies and techniques for ensuring the long-term accessibility, integrity, and usability of digital assets over time, including data backup, migration, and format migration.

Digital Rights Management (Drm)

Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to technologies and strategies employed to protect and manage the rights and permissions associated with digital assets, including copyright, licensing, and usage restrictions.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the adoption and integration of digital technologies, processes, and strategies to enable organization-wide improvements, efficiencies, and value creation.

Digital Watermarking

Digital watermarking involves embedding imperceptible or visible marks or signatures within digital assets to provide copyright protection, ownership attribution, and tamper detection.


Embed Codes

Embed codes are snippets of HTML or script that allow users to embed or display digital assets such as images, videos, or documents on external websites or platforms.

Embeddable Widgets

Embeddable widgets are interactive and visually appealing components or modules that can be embedded into websites or applications to display and interact with digital assets.

Enterprise Dam

Enterprise Digital Asset Management (DAM) refers to a DAM solution specifically designed to meet the needs and requirements of large organizations, often spanning multiple departments, locations, and workflows.

Expiration Management

Expiration management is the practice of setting and tracking expiration dates or time-limits for digital assets, ensuring their removal, archiving, or renewal based on predetermined rules or policies.



Federation involves the integration and interconnection of multiple digital asset management systems, repositories, or databases, enabling unified search, discovery, and access to assets across different systems.

File Compression

File compression is the process of reducing the size of a digital asset file without significantly impacting its quality or integrity, making it easier to store, share, or transmit.

File Format

A file format is the structure or standard used to organize and encode data within a file. In the context of digital asset management, file formats determine the compatibility, accessibility, and usability of digital assets.

File Metadata

File metadata is information or attributes associated with a digital asset file, such as its size, format, resolution, creation date, or author, often stored as part of the file itself.

File Naming Conventions

File naming conventions are rules and guidelines for naming digital asset files in a consistent, structured, and meaningful manner, facilitating organization and search.

File Organization

File organization refers to the structuring and arrangement of digital asset files within a DAM system, ensuring logical and efficient storage, retrieval, and management.

File Transfer Protocol (Ftp)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for transferring files over the internet, commonly used for uploading and downloading digital assets.


Hotlink Protection

Hotlink protection is a security measure that prevents unauthorized embedding or linking of digital assets hosted on a server, protecting bandwidth and ensuring controlled access.


Image Recognition

Image recognition is the process of using computer vision and AI technologies to analyze and identify objects, people, or patterns within digital images, enabling automated tagging or categorization.


Ingestion is the process of adding or uploading digital assets into a central repository or management system, often accompanied by metadata extraction and tagging.


Integration involves the process of connecting or combining different software applications, systems, or platforms to facilitate data exchange, collaboration, and automated workflows.



Keywords are specific words or phrases that are used to describe and categorize digital assets, making them easier to search, discover, and retrieve.


Lossless Compression

Lossless compression is a compression method that reduces the size of a digital asset file without any loss of quality or data, allowing for exact restoration of the original file.


Machine Learning (Ml)

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that focuses on getting machines to learn from data and improve their performance or behavior without explicit programming.

Master Asset

A master asset is the primary, high-quality version of a digital asset that serves as the source from which derivatives or variations are created or distributed.

Media Workflow Management

Media workflow management involves organizing, automating, and optimizing the processes and tasks associated with creating, editing, and distributing digital media assets.


Metadata is data that provides information about other data. In the context of digital asset management, metadata includes descriptive information such as title, author, date, keywords, and other relevant details.


Migration is the process of moving digital assets and data from one system, storage location, or format to another, often done to upgrade systems, improve efficiency, or consolidate resources.

Mobile Access

Mobile access in DAM refers to the ability to access, manage, and engage with digital assets through mobile devices, enabling remote work, collaboration, or asset retrieval.

Mobile Asset Management

Mobile asset management refers to the ability to access, manage, and distribute digital assets via mobile devices or applications, enabling remote workflows and collaboration.

Multilingual Support

Multilingual support in DAM systems enables users to manage, tag, and search for digital assets using different languages, character sets, or localized metadata.


Natural Language Processing (Nlp)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI that enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating tasks such as text analysis, sentiment analysis, and language translation.



Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that converts scanned or image-based text into machine-readable text, enabling search, indexing, and retrieval of text within digital assets.

Ocr (Optical Character Recognition)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that enables machines to recognize and extract text from images or scanned documents, converting it into editable and searchable digital text.


On-premises refers to the deployment of software or systems within the physical infrastructure and environment of an organization, as opposed to cloud-based or hosted solutions.

Open Source Dam

An Open Source Digital Asset Management (DAM) system refers to a DAM solution that is released under an open source license, allowing users to access, customize, and contribute to the software's development.


Preservation Metadata

Preservation metadata is specific metadata used to document, describe, and ensure the long-term preservation and usability of digital assets, including technical, provenance, and rights-related information.


Responsive Design

Responsive design is an approach to web design that ensures digital assets, such as websites or interfaces, adapt and display properly on different devices or screen sizes.

Rights Management

Rights management involves the processes and technologies used to manage the permissions, restrictions, and licensing associated with the use and distribution of digital assets.


Saas (Software-As-A-Service)

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model where applications are hosted by a vendor and accessed by users over the internet, typically on a subscription basis, without the need for local installation or maintenance.

Search And Retrieval

Search and retrieval involve using search functionality or queries to locate and retrieve specific digital assets based on criteria such as keywords, metadata, or content characteristics.

Search Engine Optimization (Seo)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing digital assets, websites, or content to improve their visibility, ranking, and discoverability in search engine results.

Single Source Of Truth

Single Source of Truth (SSOT) refers to a centralized and authoritative source or database that is considered the definitive reference for certain information, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and reliability.

Social Media Management

Social media management involves the planning, creation, scheduling, and publishing of digital assets and content on social media platforms, often facilitated by a digital asset management system.



Taxonomy refers to the hierarchical classification system used to organize and categorize digital assets based on common characteristics, such as content type, subject, location, and more.

Taxonomy Management

Taxonomy management involves creating, organizing, and maintaining taxonomies and their associated terms or categories within a DAM system.

Thumbnail Generation

Thumbnail generation is the process of creating small, low-resolution versions of digital assets, usually used for browsing, previewing, or displaying a collection of assets.


Usage Reports

Usage reports provide detailed insights and analytics on how digital assets are being used, accessed, downloaded, or shared within a DAM system, helping assess their performance and impact.

Usage Rights

Usage rights refer to the permissions, licenses, or restrictions associated with using, sharing, or modifying digital assets, ensuring legal compliance and protecting intellectual property.

User Adoption

User adoption refers to the process of users becoming familiar, accepting, and actively using a digital asset management system or software, often influenced by training, support, and ease of use.

User Collaboration

User collaboration in DAM refers to the ability for multiple users to work together, simultaneously or collaboratively, on the creation, editing, or management of digital assets.

User Experience (Ux)

User Experience (UX) refers to the overall experience and satisfaction users have when interacting with a digital asset management system, focusing on ease of use, intuitiveness, and effectiveness.

User Interface (Ui)

User Interface (UI) is the visual and interactive design of a digital asset management system, encompassing elements such as menus, buttons, screens, and layouts that users interact with.

User Permissions

User permissions refer to the access rights and privileges granted to users or groups of users for managing, editing, or accessing specific digital assets within a DAM system.

User Roles

User roles are predefined sets of permissions and responsibilities assigned to users within a DAM system, regulating their access and actions based on their role or position.

User Roles And Permissions

User roles and permissions refer to the access rights and privileges assigned to individuals or groups within a digital asset management system, determining their actions, capabilities, and restrictions.


Version Control

Version control is the process of managing different versions or variations of a digital asset, ensuring that changes, updates, and modifications can be tracked and managed effectively.

Video Management

Video management entails the organization, storage, and distribution of digital video assets, including transcoding, streaming, and delivery of videos in different formats and resolutions.

Video Transcoding

Video transcoding is the process of converting a video file from one format, quality, or resolution to another, often to optimize for different devices, bandwidths, or platforms.



Watermarking is the process of adding a visible or invisible mark or identifier to a digital asset, typically used for copyright protection, authentication, or branding purposes.


Web-to-print is a technology or solution that allows users to customize, create, or order printed collateral, such as posters or brochures, using digital assets and templates.

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation involves using software or tools to streamline and automate the processes, tasks, and workflows associated with managing and distributing digital assets.

Workflow Management

Workflow management refers to the automated orchestration and coordination of tasks, processes, and approvals involved in the creation, review, and distribution of digital assets.