Customer Experience Terms Glossary: Customer Experience Terms in 2024



Brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty is the strong attachment, preference, and repeat purchase behavior that a customer has towards a particular brand, often resulting from positive experiences and emotional connections.



Cross-selling is the practice of recommending or selling complementary products or services to a customer based on their previous purchases or interests.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition refers to the process of acquiring new customers or users for a brand, often involving marketing and sales strategies.

Customer Advocacy

Customer advocacy refers to customers who actively recommend and promote a brand or product based on their positive experiences.

Customer Advocacy Program

A customer advocacy program is a structured initiative that encourages and empowers customers to promote and advocate for a brand based on their positive experiences.

Customer Analytics

Customer analytics is the practice of using data and statistical analysis to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends.

Customer Behavior

Customer behavior refers to the actions, buying patterns, and decision-making processes of customers when interacting with a brand, product, or service.

Customer Centricity

Customer centricity is the strategic approach of putting the customer at the center of all business decisions, actions, and processes, with the goal of delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Customer Centricity Index

Customer Centricity Index (CCI) is a metric used to measure a company's customer-centric performance and maturity, evaluating how well the organization understands and meets customer needs.

Customer Churn

Customer churn is the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company, typically measured over a specific period of time.

Customer Churn Rate

Customer churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop doing business with a company over a specific period of time.

Customer Complaint

A customer complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction or concern raised by a customer regarding a product, service, or experience, often requiring resolution and follow-up.

Customer Complaints

Customer complaints are expressions of dissatisfaction or criticism by customers regarding their experience with a brand, product, or service.

Customer Convenience

Customer convenience refers to minimizing effort, complexity, and friction in the customer experience, making it easy and convenient for customers to interact with a brand.

Customer Data

Customer data refers to the information and insights gathered from customers, including demographics, preferences, behaviors, interactions, and purchase history.

Customer Data Platform (Cdp)

A customer data platform (CDP) is a technology or platform used to collect, unify, and manage customer data from various sources, enabling personalized and data-driven marketing.

Customer Delight

Customer delight refers to exceeding customer expectations and creating positive emotional experiences that go beyond mere satisfaction.

Customer Education

Customer Education involves providing customers with resources, information, and training to enhance their understanding and usage of a brand, product, or service.

Customer Effort

Customer effort refers to the amount of time, energy, and steps a customer needs to take to resolve an issue, complete a task, or achieve their desired outcome.

Customer Effort Score (Ces)

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a metric used to measure the amount of effort a customer has to put in to accomplish a specific task or get a resolution for an issue.

Customer Empathy

Customer empathy refers to understanding and sharing the feelings and perspectives of customers to better meet their needs and expectations.

Customer Empowerment

Customer empowerment refers to enabling customers with the resources, tools, and autonomy to make informed decisions, find solutions, and have control over their experiences.

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement refers to the level of connection, interaction, and emotional commitment a customer has with a brand or organization.

Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are the anticipated standards and outcomes customers have for the product, service, or experience they will receive from a brand or organization.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience refers to the overall perception a customer has of a brand or organization based on their interactions before, during, and after purchase.

Customer Experience Design

Customer experience design involves the deliberate and strategic creation of customer experiences that maximize satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

Customer Experience Management (Cem)

Customer Experience Management (CEM) involves the strategies, processes, and practices used by a brand to actively manage the overall customer experience.

Customer Experience Metrics

Customer experience metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate and track the performance, effectiveness, and impact of customer experience initiatives and strategies.

Customer Experience Platform

A customer experience platform is a technology or software that enables brands to manage and deliver consistent and personalized customer experiences across multiple channels and touchpoints.

Customer Experience Strategy

Customer Experience Strategy is a long-term plan and approach that defines how a brand will deliver exceptional customer experiences, aligning with business goals and customer needs.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is the information, opinions, and suggestions provided by customers about their experiences with a brand or product.

Customer Feedback Loop

A customer feedback loop is a continuous process of gathering, analyzing, and responding to customer feedback to drive improvements and enhance the customer experience.

Customer Happiness

Customer happiness measures the overall emotional well-being, satisfaction, and delight that a customer experiences when interacting with a brand.

Customer Insight

Customer insight refers to the deep understanding and knowledge gained about customers' motivations, behaviors, needs, and preferences through research and data analysis.

Customer Insights

Customer Insights are the valuable and actionable learnings derived from customer data and analysis, providing a deeper understanding of customer behaviors, motivations, and needs.

Customer Intelligence

Customer intelligence is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and insights about customers to drive strategic decision-making and improve customer experiences.

Customer Interaction

Customer interaction refers to any direct or indirect communication, engagement, or touchpoint between a customer and a brand, including in-person, online, or over the phone.

Customer Journey

The customer journey is the complete set of experiences a customer goes through when engaging with a brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase interactions.

Customer Journey Analytics

Customer journey analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing data from across the customer journey to gain insights and optimize the customer experience.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is the process of visually representing the customer journey, highlighting key touchpoints, emotions, and pain points along the way.

Customer Journey Optimization

Customer Journey Optimization involves making iterative improvements to the customer journey, touchpoints, and experiences based on data, insights, and customer feedback.

Customer Lifetime Journey

Customer Lifetime Journey represents the entire relationship and journey of a customer with a brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase and beyond.

Customer Lifetime Value (Cltv)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is the predicted profitability that a customer will bring to a brand over their entire relationship, considering factors such as repeat purchases, average order value, and retention.

Customer Lifetime Value (Clv)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the predicted net profit a customer will generate throughout their entire relationship with a brand.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty refers to a customer's willingness to repeatedly purchase from or engage with a brand, often driven by positive experiences and emotional connections.

Customer Metrics

Customer metrics are quantifiable measures used to assess and track various aspects of customer experiences, satisfaction, loyalty, and acquisition.

Customer Obsession

Customer obsession is a mindset and strategic approach that prioritizes understanding, exceeding, and continuously improving customer expectations, needs, and desires.

Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding is the process of guiding and engaging new customers to ensure they are successfully introduced to a product or service, leading to high levels of adoption and satisfaction.

Customer Perception

Customer perception is the subjective opinion, impression, or belief that a customer has about a brand, often based on their interactions and experiences.

Customer Persona

A customer persona is a fictional representation of an ideal customer based on market research, demographic data, and customer insights.

Customer Privacy

Customer Privacy refers to the protection and control of customer data, ensuring that it is collected, stored, and used in a secure and responsible manner, in line with privacy regulations.

Customer Referral Program

Customer Referral Program is a structured initiative that encourages and rewards customers for referring friends, family, or colleagues to a brand, product, or service.

Customer Relationship

A customer relationship refers to the connection, interaction, and ongoing association between a customer and a brand, often characterized by trust and loyalty.

Customer Relationship Management (Crm)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technology and strategy used to manage and analyze customer interactions, data, and relationships throughout the customer lifecycle.

Customer Response Time

Customer response time is the duration it takes for a company to respond to a customer's inquiry, request, or complaint, often a crucial factor in customer satisfaction.

Customer Retention

Customer retention is the ability of a company to retain its existing customers over a specific period of time.

Customer Retention Rate

Customer Retention Rate is a metric used to measure the percentage of customers a brand successfully retains over a specific period, reflecting the effectiveness of customer retention strategies and efforts.

Customer Satisfaction (Csat)

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is a metric used to measure how satisfied customers are with a specific interaction, transaction, or overall experience.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey is a research tool used to gather feedback and measure satisfaction levels by asking customers to rate their experiences, usually on a numeric or scale-based questionnaire.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing customers into groups based on shared characteristics, behaviors, or preferences.

Customer Self-Service

Customer self-service refers to the availability of tools, resources, and information that empower customers to find solutions and resolve issues independently, without the need for direct assistance.

Customer Sentiment Analysis

Customer sentiment analysis involves the use of natural language processing and machine learning to analyze customer feedback and determine the sentiment or emotion behind it.

Customer Service

Customer service is the support and assistance provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase, aimed at resolving issues, answering questions, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Customer Success

Customer success refers to the proactive and ongoing efforts of a company to ensure its customers achieve their desired outcomes and maximize the value of their purchase.

Customer Support

Customer support refers to the services, assistance, and resources provided by a brand to help customers with their questions, issues, or inquiries.

Customer Touchpoint Analysis

Customer Touchpoint Analysis involves examining and evaluating each touchpoint within the customer journey to identify areas of improvement, streamline processes, and enhance experiences.

Customer Touchpoint Management

Customer Touchpoint Management is the process of actively managing and optimizing all customer touchpoints to ensure consistency, effectiveness, and alignment with customer expectations.

Customer Touchpoint Mapping

Customer touchpoint mapping is the process of identifying and analyzing all possible touchpoints a customer can have with a brand, both online and offline.

Customer Value Proposition

A customer value proposition is the unique combination of benefits and values that a brand promises to deliver to its target customers, differentiating it from competitors.


Customer-centric refers to an approach or strategy that focuses on creating exceptional customer experiences by putting the customer at the center of all decisions and actions.

Customer-Centric Culture

A customer-centric culture is a company culture that places a strong emphasis on delivering exceptional customer experiences and making customer satisfaction a top priority.

Customer-Centric Design

Customer-Centric Design is an approach that involves designing products, services, and experiences around the needs, preferences, and behaviors of customers, putting them at the forefront of the design process.

Customer-Centric Strategy

A customer-centric strategy is an approach that aligns business goals, processes, and decisions with the needs and preferences of customers, aiming to create exceptional experiences.


Customer-Centricity is an approach that places the customer at the center of all business decisions and actions, with a focus on meeting customer needs and delivering value.


Customer-facing refers to roles, actions, or activities that directly involve interactions with customers, such as sales, customer service, or marketing.

Customer-Focused Culture

A customer-focused culture is an organizational culture that prioritizes and values the needs, expectations, and satisfaction of customers at every level.

Customer-Focused Metrics

Customer-focused metrics are performance indicators that directly measure and evaluate the effectiveness of a company's efforts in delivering outstanding customer experiences.


Data Privacy

Data privacy encompasses the protection and responsible handling of customer data, ensuring compliance with privacy laws and regulations.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-driven decision making is the process of using data, analytics, and insights to guide and inform business decisions and strategies.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a human-centered problem-solving approach that involves empathizing with users, defining problems, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing.


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others, often crucial for delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Emotional Intelligence (Ei)

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others, often applied to improve customer interactions.

Employee Experience (Ex)

Employee experience (EX) refers to the overall experience and satisfaction of employees within an organization, often impacting their ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences.


First Call Resolution (Fcr)

First Call Resolution (FCR) is a metric used to measure the percentage of customer issues or inquiries resolved during the first interaction with customer service.

First Contact Resolution (Fcr)

First Contact Resolution (FCR) is a metric used to measure the percentage of customer interactions that are resolved on first contact, without the need for follow-up or escalation.


Moments Of Truth

Moments of truth are critical touchpoints between a customer and a brand that significantly influence the customer's perception and future interactions.

Multi-Channel Support

Multi-channel support refers to providing customer support and assistance through various channels, such as phone, email, live chat, and social media.


Net Promoter Score (Nps)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers a single question: 'On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?'



Omni-channel refers to the seamless integration and consistency of customer experiences across multiple channels, such as in-store, online, mobile, and social media.


Omnichannel refers to the seamless integration and consistency of customer experiences across multiple channels, such as online, mobile, and offline.



Persona represents a hypothetical profile of a customer segment, identifying their demographics, behaviors, needs, and preferences to inform targeted customer experience strategies.


Personalization is the process of tailoring products, services, and experiences to individual customer preferences and needs.


Service Level Agreement (Sla)

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and a customer that outlines the agreed-upon levels of service, key performance indicators, and expectations.

Service Recovery

Service recovery refers to the actions taken by a company to rectify a customer's negative experience, regain their trust, and turn the situation into a positive one.

Social Listening

Social listening is the practice of monitoring and analyzing conversations, mentions, and sentiments around a brand on social media to gain insights and identify opportunities for engagement.



A touchpoint is any point of interaction between a customer and a brand, such as a website visit, social media message, or telephone call.


Touchpoints are the various points of contact or interaction that a customer has with a brand, such as websites, stores, call centers, social media, etc.



Upselling is the technique of persuading a customer to purchase a more expensive or upgraded version of a product or service, often by highlighting additional features or benefits.

User Experience (Ux)

User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience a user has when interacting with a website, application, or digital product, with a focus on usability and satisfaction.


Voice Of The Customer (Voc)

Voice of the Customer (VoC) refers to the insights and feedback obtained directly from customers to understand their needs, expectations, and preferences.